On 18.Jul.2001 -- 06:46 PM, Madock Chiwenda wrote:
> I am trying to access employee sample bundledwith cocoon but I get the 
> following error:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Exception in 
> ServerPagesGenerator.generate():java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not get 
> the datasource java.sql.SQLException: You cannot get a Poolable before the 
> pool is initialized
> Can somebody help?

Did you "build.sh -Dinclude.... -Dinstall.war=/path/to/webapps install" ?

If you didn't, you'll find a number of "${install.war}" in
cocoon.xconf and some XSPs. Replace those with the path to
webapps. Otherwise the included java database does not work / the jdbc
url is wrong.


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