On 02.Aug.2001 -- 03:07 AM, Liam Morley wrote:
> Can somebody please confirm for me exactly which jar files are needed in
> the %TOMCAT_HOME%\libs folder? I can't start Tomcat because I'm getting
> the following:
> Including all jars in H:\code\wpigdc-cms\tomcat\lib in your CLASSPATH.
> The input line is too long.
> The syntax of the command is incorrect.
> I assume that the second line, "The input line is too long", is from
> Windows, not Tomcat (as I can't find this line in any script). My
> environment is win2k.

You might be able to split it up to multiple "set CLASPATH=%CLASSPATH%;..." lines.

> If somebody can either tell me which jar files are needed at minimum, or
> tell me how to fix things so that the input line is not too long, I would
> greatly appreciate it.

There's a document on that included in the docs. Have a look at


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