I'm fairly new to Cocoon - but I've been muddling through it now for a few
days.  But I'm hoping this isn't too big of a newbie question, but I didn't
find any answers in the mailing list archives, the newsgroups, or the web.

* Cocoon 1.8.2 with Tomcat

I've created an XSL file which is working fine so far (it's a basic login)
with it's XML instance document counterpart.  When the user submit a
login/pw form, it submits back to the same XML file (which in my case is
index.xml).  Here's a quick snip of the XSL code:

  <xsl:template match="page">
    <xsp:page language="java"

What I want to do is fairly simple.  Check to see if the form has been
submitted, by checking for the "login" parameter.  So here is what I changed
the code to:

  <xsl:template match="page">
    <xsp:page language="java"
    if (request.getParameter("login.x") == null) {
    .... the rest of the HTML which shows the login form ....
    } else {
    ... check username exists, etc

The problem seems to be how Cocoon is generating the java code.  It seems as
though if I put the <xsp:logic> tags before the <html> tag it puts the code
outside of any method in the /* User Class Declarations */ part which is, of
course, not valid Java syntax if I'm doing an "if" statement.

If I move the <xsp:logic> after the <html> tag my if statement goes into the
populateDocument() method (which is OK - but after an HTML tag has been sent
to the browser I can no longer redirect).

Can anyone give me a suggestion on how I should handle the redirects??

Also, how "full-featured" is Cocoon2?  It looks as though C2 has some nifty
logicsheets for request and response objects (of which, by the way, it seems
as though I can use the request logicsheet in C1 and <request:get-parameter>
seems to still work fine... <response> on the other hand does not).  With
those logic sheets I could just use an <xsl:choose> on the parameter and
then send the redirect.

I'm working on a live site for a client though, so stability is an important

Anyways, any help would be appreciated, thanks,

- Brent

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FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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