Good idea.,
  I was newbie to cocoon2 too but felt the
documentation(specially installation) step outlined at
the were sufficient to get started.

One point to note here is that no matter how much is
documented, users(and newbies) are certain to have
problems. And this is specially true with
installation. One reason could be that, by nature of
c2/java tech being able to deploy onto numerous

Enough said, we could start compiling the experiences
of other uses/newbies from mailing list and put them
onto some site like cocoon2 fan club..

Let me know if anyone would be interested...

 --- jp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi all,
> it would be great if there was a document that step
> by step, beginning with
> an empty folder, shows the cocoon-beginner how to
> create a cocoon-webapp -
> including the design considerations when to use
> various sitemap components.
> perhaps we could start this kind of documentation -
> I could contribute my
> own humble experiences ;-)
> secondly: (this might more be a tomcat and
> classloading question)
> is there a possibility to share some of the
> cocoon-needed libs, by including
> some them( 14 MB ) in the initial tomcat classpath
> instead of just copying
> the jars into the WEB-INF\lib directory.
> I failed, because of a lack of knownledge, to do so
> - any tips or help is
> appreciated.
> thanks
> Please check that your question has not already been
> answered in the
> FAQ before posting.
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Thanks and have great day

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