There are many tools to help. Start at
The XML Cover Pages
and follow your nose ...

However, here are some tips ...
* beware, there are many bodgy tools which do horrid shortcuts
* do not try to get one tool to do-it-all (you may need a
different one for XML editing and another for XSL development)
* make sure that your tools are capable of entity resolution
* use a validating parser to check all documents before you
try them with Cocoon
* heed Ulrich's "Rant" thread in June regarding using an
infamous web browser to view documents, thinking that you are
validating your XML document - it is broken

hope that helps, David

> From: Richard Heintze
> Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 17:55:26 -0700 (PDT) 
> Wow!
> As a sample I'm trying to use cocoon for my resume.
> To fully exploit cocoon/xml/xsl/fo and schemas I have
> to keep 5 files synchronized:
> (1) siegfriedXSD.xml
> (2) resume.xsd
> (3) plain.xsl
> (4) plain-fo.xsl
> (5) siegfriedXSD-FO.xml (almost identical to siegfriedXSD.xml).
> Whew! that is a lot of work. Is there not some tool
> that will help?
> Siegfried

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