> I'm trying to do the following :
> <esql:query>
> INSERT INTO foo(id,url,email,username,password)
> VALUES (<esql:parameter>NEXTVAL('id_seq')
> </esql:parameter>,'abcd','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','dfgdf','123');
> </esql:query>

NEXTVAL is function stored in postgresql.
Consider doing it like this:
1. define table like:
    a) sequence
        CREATE SEQUENCE id_seq;
    b) table
    CREATE TABLE foo (
        id    INT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('id_seq'),
        other columns

2. Inserting data using DEFAULT
        INSERT INTO foo (url,email,username,password)
            VALUES ('abcd','[EMAIL PROTECTED]','dfgdf','123');</esql:query>

You get what you wanted, and no error should be generated.
I haven't, because of configuration problems - my server is down, but it
should work.

Hope it helps.


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