Just create an XSP page,
with a template matching the root element of your xml page.
Then do some if-then-else based on your session.
In each 'if' body you do something like this:

  if (some_session_based_expression)
        <xsl:call-template name="henk"/>
  else if (....)

The template 'henk' is inserted in the place of the call.
If it just consists of content, it looks like this:

<xsl:template name="henk">
    <!-- xsl code that applies templates to the parts you want -->

This way you get 1 producer/generator, which can produce all the 
different pages you want (that is, sections of your XML document)
based on some viariables in the session.

I use this technique to validate users:

The XML document:

        <nsp:auth group="users">
            <!-- data you want to show when the user is logged
                 in and belongs to that group -->
            <nsp:login-form/> <!-- or some other xml code.. -->

The xsp page:

<xsl:template match="nsp:auth">
    if (userInGroup("<xsl:value-of select="@group"/>"))
        <xsl:apply-templates select="success"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates select="fail"/>

The UserInGroup checks the session for a user object, standard code..

Hope this helps,

        Kenney Westerhof

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Karl Oie wrote:

> Hi, im pretty new to cocoon2 so i need some advice about the best aproach
> for my problem;
> I got a quite large XML file which i use a XSL stylesheet to extract only
> parts of, but the XML file might change so i set this up as the generator.
> <map:match pattern="toc.html">
>       <map:generate src="largefile.xml"/>
>       <map:transform src="toc.xsl"/>
>       ... perform logic on the result based on sessions ...
>       <map:serialize type="html"/>
> </map:match>
> Then based on the the user's session state i want to perform logic on the
> extract, to hide and show elements (this is a session based toc).
> What can i use to do this, a XSP, JSP, write a new
> generator/transformer/serializer ?
> Is it possible to place session handling in a custom serializer? is this a
> job for a transformer, and will i then have to implement it myself and is it
> then possible to add session handling?
> Should i create a custom generator, if so how to implement caching and
> session handling?
> I'm quite good at java, but i'm new to cocoon and need some pointers in the
> right direction.
> in advance thanks!
> mvh Karl
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