Thanx, now at least I understand what's going on :)
/Anne Marie

-----Original Message-----
From: David Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10. august 2001 02:00
Subject: <!ENTITY foo SYSTEM ""> (was: ESQLl where

Anne Marie, I know the reason for the issue that you describe 
below and one way around it. The external entity def.xml is
automatically included by the parser when it processes the
top-level welcome.xml document. So as far as Cocoon is
concerned, it sees that there has been no change to
welcome.xml and so it happily delivers the result from the

Now the solution: whenever you change the external entity
def.xml you need to touch (i.e. change the timestamp of)
the top-level document. This then invalidates the cache
and so Cocoon will process the welcome.xml again. We too
have this situation. Another automated application is
generating the lower-level XML docs. When it is finished
it touches the top-level file and so the pipeline gets
refreshed on the next request.

cheers, David

> From:
> Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 13:11:28 +0200 
> Hi, you're right it should work and it does.
> I discovered that the error was in another place, namely
> in my main xml file. I had a file called welcome.xml which
> pointed to a file called def.xml. In def xml. was the code
> for opening the connection and running the query (part of
> which I attached in the last mail). In welcome.xml it was 
> included as:
> -----------------------------------------
> ...
> <!DOCTYPE document [
> ...
>   <!ENTITY definitions SYSTEM "def.xml">
> ]>
> ...
>   <def_data>
>       &definitions;
>     </def_data>
> ...
> -----------------------------------------
> I discovered after a while that the changes made in def.xml
> was not updated. Welcome.xml was still using the earlier
> version of the document. I find this most peculiar and
> unlogic, but can find no other explanation. I took away
> the pointers and included the code directly in welcome.xml
> and now it works perfectly.
> My problem now is that welcome.xml becomes very long. I run
> several queries and had much better control over my code when
> I could separate it into different files. Does anybody know
> any way to fix the problem with welcome.xml not seeing the
> changes to def.xml and the other files?
> Thanks again,
> /Anne Marie

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