
Check out this posting to ensure this isn't the case.  I had that
problem but added back in the org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver into my web.xml
and everything was fine. 


this assumes that your sitemap is still loading resources using this
in your sitemap (which might not be the case for you, but was for


--- Gerhard Froehlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> >I've got big problems with databases in cocoon2. I still get a "no
> suitable
> >driver", whatever I do.
> >I've noticed on the status page of Cocoon, that only two jars
> files were in
> >the class path.
> >Intrigued, I've read the catalina.bat, and noticed that my
> autoexec.bat
> >classpath is erased, and reduced to those two files (bootstrap,
> and tools).
> >The problem is that I need my classpath to be full (well , I
> suppose) for
> >cocoon2 to work on my database drivers.
> >I've installed mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar and added the classpath to
> my
> >autoexec.bat,and added the line org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver in
> <init-param>,
> >but still get No Suitable Driver for that.
> >Is there really something wrong in catalina, or am I suppose to do
> >something
> >else to connect to mysql?
> I would put the mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar file in the lib directory of
> the
> cocoon2 project. When you build the project, the driver will be
> autmatically
> added to your warfile. When you start resin or tomcat the jar file
> will be
> in classpath of your servlet container!
> Cheers
> Gerhard
> Please check that your question has not already been answered in
> the
> FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>
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