>  - Why are there three MRUMemoryStores? One "store", one "stream-cache",
> on "event-cache"?
I don't really now. Few days before I asked this question too, but I didn't
get an
anwer. But I think because there are 2 piplines (CacheStreamPipeline and
CacheEventPipeline). Each of them has a own EventCache. And because of
that there are two MRUMemoryStores.
>  - What exactly is cached in "store"?
>  - What exactly is cached in "stream-cache"?
CacheStreamObjects I think
>  - What exactly is cached in "event-cache"? 
CacheEventObjects I think
>  - Are the memory-Settings like heapsize shared by the three stores or
> parallel (means that you have to plan for 3*heapsize memory allocation
> using the all three stores)?
Yesterday they commited a new component I developed. The StoreJanitor. 
You can find it in the 2.1 branch. The StoreJanitor ist now responsible for
the MemoryManagement. Each store register in the StoreJanitor and if
memory runs low the StoreJanitor calls the free() method of the different 
stores. So you have only to configure the heapsize parameter, etc only once
now. I put a sample configuration in the cocoon.xconf in the 2.1 branch. A
will follow soon.

I hope that helps!


Gerhard Fröhlich

"black holes are,
when GOD is dividing by zero" 

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