On 01.Oct.2001 -- 04:17 PM, Henrik Hofmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question to Actions.
> I’ve put an Action LogOnAction to the Sitemap. It works, but the problem
> is that he always performs the action. Wheter I append
> cocoon-action=logon or not.

>     <map:act type="logOn" action="logOn">

What you're refering to holds true for action sets. So if you'd put
multiple actions in a set, only those with a matchin action tag would
be triggered.

Here, however, you use a simple action. These are executed regardless
of any parameter.

The lower part will only be executed if your action fails or after the
statements within are completed (wich doesn't occur since these
terminate the pipeline).

So you might want to remove the statements within the action since
they are identical to the ones below it. But the action would still be
triggered for every request.


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