Hi All,

        Hope all is is well around the Cocoon globe!

        I have a question regarding the use of the Avalon component
        management system within Cocoon2 applications for custom
        components, namely, how do people best recommend to do it ?

        Lets say that I develop some Components which are related to the
        business logic of my application - how would people recommend
        managing these components and using them from within Cocoon

        My thoughts were to create a second Component manager, separate from
        the Cocoon one, and to populate it with my componets, but then
        how do I access these components from within Cocoon actions for
        example ? If I implement Composable, I get a reference to
        Cocoon's component manager and not to the second one managing
        the third party components ?

        If I used the Cocoon ComponentManager, then I have to modify
        Cocoon's config and role files, increasing the effort required to
        update Cocoon from time to time.

        What do others recommend ? Create a Singleton ? or some other
        approach ?

        Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



     ,,$$$$$$$$$,      Marcus Crafter
    ;$'      '$$$$:    Computer Systems Engineer
    $:         $$$$:   Managesoft GmbH
     $       o_)$$$:   82-84 Mainzer Landstrasse
     ;$,    _/\ &&:'   60327 Frankfurt Germany
       '     /( &&&
           \_&&&&'     Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          &&&&.        Business Hours : +49 69 9757 200

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