> Exploring C2 documentation, I've observed the existence of a new file
> called sitemap.xmap that (apparently) manage the entire web site.
> Could someone tell me how to upgrade the existing XML site?
> Or suggest me a tutorial to do this...

1) About your decision (C2.0rc2): take a look to the homepage! Is now
officially published the stable release. C2 is now the main supported
2) There is really little about sitemaps, I suggest you searching in old
archives of this mailing list, and following it just now. Most of messages
are on that thread!

Regards, Tomas

*  Tomás Espeleta - http://www.digival.es
*  ----------------------------------------------------
*  Those who know don't talk.
*  Those who talk don't know.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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