The way I do is to just have each page use a <page> root element.

Then my XSL translates <page> to add a standard header/footer on each page.  e.g.:

<xsl:template match="page">
         <xsl:call-template name="header"/>
         <xsl:call-template name="footer"/>



At 11:13 AM 12/4/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I know that this list is for Cocoon specific questions but with so many options 
>available to me in Cocoon, I thought I might ask it here.
>I am using Cocoon 2 and would like to have standard headers and footers on every 
>page.  I have my site navigation in the Header.  I would like the navigation to get 
>its information from a totally seperate XML file that only has data (no presentation, 
>XSL or logic, XSP).  Something like this:
>   <item name="Home" uri="/welcome">
>     <item name="Services" uri="/services"/>
>     <item name="Products" uri="/services"/>
>   </item>
>   <item name="About Us" uri="/aboutus">
>I don't want my individual pages to have any concept of this "menu.xml" file.  I'd 
>like to reference "menu.xml" from somewhere like XSL, read in the values and prepend 
>the generated pages with the Header and this navigation content.  The end result 
>being, I can add and remove values from one file and have it can the navigation on 
>all pages, instantly.  What is the most simple way to do this in Cocoon 2?
>Thanks for any help,

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <>

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