Hi list.

Basically anybody know how to get access in the sitemap to the full context
for that sitemap? Especially when it is a mounted sub map?

I'm trying to implement some basic login / authentication functionality from
a sub-sitemap and I have noticed the following.

      <map:match pattern="secure/**.html">
        <!-- first validate whether user has logged in --> 
        <map:act type="session-validator">
          <map:parameter name="descriptor"
          <map:parameter name="validate" value="username"/>
          <!-- generate protected content -->
          <map:generate src="docs/secure/{1}.xml"/>
          <map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-xml2html.xsl"/>
        <!-- something was wrong, redirect to login page --> 
        <map:redirect-to uri="login.html"/>

The re-direct to login page takes the context of the URI and not the context
of the sitemap, which kind of makes sense, but is not very useful

So if the cocoon context is /cocoon
And my sub sitemap is /web

Then if the user selects 

They are re-directed to 

whereas I want them to be sent to 

So I was thinking I need to do something like:
        <map:redirect-to uri="{sitemap-context}/login.html"/>

Any ideas how to get at such data?



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