Have you tried modifying the code to print a stack trace with each
invocation?  This might help isolate the source of each call.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Rosenstrauch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: XSP page getting called TWICE! (was: Pipeline dependencies)

I posted this a couple of times here, as well as once to the Dev list.  No
one's written back with any suggestions so far.

I hope y'all don't mind, but I'd like to post this one more time.  It's
really stumping me!  Please help!


Anyone have any thoughts on this?

What could cause an XSP page to get called twice in the same request?



At 12:07 PM 12/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Actually, regarding the setup below (which I mentioned in another message),
I'm having a problem with it and would appreciate some help.
>Take a look at the sitemap segment below.  And let me clarify it a bit too:
>The XSL stylesheet that I'm using in the transform on "pd/mergedoc.html" is
generated *dynamically*, from an xsp page ("pages/gen_merge_xsl.xsp").
>This is working just fine, except for one small problem:
>For some reason, on each request, this XSP page is getting executed TWICE!
Although this doesn't technically cause any errors, it's pretty inefficient
since it hits the database twice, generates the xsl twice, etc.
>Any ideas why?
>Some possible thoughts I had:
>* perhaps the internal-only="true" is causing this?
>* perhaps an additional aspect of this setup is causing this:  the
"cocoon:/rtf_parse" generation step (not listed) is setting an "attachment"
response header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=myfile.rtf") so
that the file will be downloaded instead of displayed directly in the
browser.  Could that be causing this?
>Any help appreciated!
>At 11:17 AM 12/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >It is possible.  I'm using that in my site:
> >
> ><map:pipeline>
> >          <map:match pattern="pd/mergedoc.html">
> >                  <map:generate src="cocoon:/rtf_parse"/>
> >                  <map:transform src="cocoon:/rtf_merge_data"/>
> >                  <map:serialize type="rtf"/>
> >          </map:match>
> ></map:pipeline>
> >
> >
> ><map:pipeline internal-only="true">
> >          <map:match pattern="rtf_merge_data">
> >                  <map:generate type="serverpages"
> >                  <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> >          </map:match>
> ></map:pipeline>
> >
> >
> >DR

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