        We are starting on a new project using 
Apache+Tomcat+Cocoon+Postgres and would like to either 
take a sneak preview of what you are donating or get 
more details and a time frame of when this will be
available so we could either incorporate this into
our project or move on without it.

Joseph Rajkumar

Matthew Langham wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> The main difference between the components we will be donating and Jetspeed
> is the fact that our components are integrated into Cocoon 2.0 (and adhere
> to the Cocoon interfaces and concepts) - as opposed to being layered on as
> in Jetspeed. So if you then want to build a portal all you need is Cocoon.
> As the donated components will also include authentication components you
> can pick the bits you want (or need) and build _your_ solution to fit. So
> you could say just use the authentication parts to protect certain resources
> in the sitemap or use both the authentication and portal components to build
> a complete portal. You can use simple XML files as a source for your user
> data-base, or opt to use an exisiting database. Again, the user source is a
> Cocoon pipeline (which allows you to use the exisiting transformers, XSP,
> whatever).
> Inside your portal, you then use normal Cocoon pipelines as content (there
> are mechanisms available that make sure these content pipelines can only be
> called inside a portal context). So it is pretty easy to build portals that
> say access news sources (in XML) and then present them inside a portal
> layout.
> To build your portal you then create a pipeline containing the portal
> generator. This generator reads (and builds) the portal profile for each
> user depending on his/her settings - again these settings are obtained via a
> Cocoon pipeline (the default being a file). Each content pipeline can then
> use a stylesheet to format its particular data into some layout - if needed.
> Once the XML data has been generated for the portal it is then transformed
> into say an HTML layout. So again, it is then pretty easy to add additional
> stylesheets to format into some other format.
> Hope this helps for the moment.
> We are also answering similar questions on the dev list - so you may want to
> check those out as well.
> Regards
> Matthew
> --
> Open Source Group               sunShine - Lighting up e:Business
> =================================================================
> Matthew Langham, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
> Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.s-und-n.de
> =================================================================

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