> Henrik Hofmann wrote:
> I'm trying to get Cocoon 2.0 running on a solaris server. This server
> has no x server installed, and installing ist isn't a possibility. I
> tried to remove the svg serializers from the sitemap, and also from
> the pipeline. But it still tries to load one.
> There are now no entries for SVG in the sitemap.

You _can_ disable SVG completely, but is necasary to compile Cocoon from
source. If you have the source distribution of Cocoon you will find a
'build.xml' file in the main dir. Edit this file and make sure all
references to SVG are commented out (using XML comments ofcourse). Then
build Cocoon using the build script. For details about building and
deploying the webapp see the file INSTALL.

If you have a recent version of Cocoon from CVS HEAD you can remove the
batik jar from the lib/optional dir before compiling. The build script
will complain about missing jars but will complete succesfully.
(note:the CVS version is a beta-version and might me broken). 

Martijn Bouterse

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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