Edward Jones wrote:

>I am trying to deploy the Cocoon2 application to run
>under Oracle 9iAS/oc4j, and so far despite a trawl of
>the web, not having much success. 
>Following a straightforward installed - copied .war
>file to /applications, added lines to application.xml
>and http-web-site.xml, the .war unpacked fine. However
>trying to access the default page
>http://server/cocoon/ produces the following error
>message in return: 
 DB Prism is mainly developed with OC4J, you could find an step by step 
guide to install Cocoon 2.0.0 on oc4j at
 It includes the changes necesary for oc4j 1.0.2.x and the newest 
2.0.0.x which replaces xerces and xalan with Oracle xmlparserv2.
 Best regards, Marcelo.

PD: Note that this page is served by Cocoon 2.0.0 on line using DB Prism 
CMS on an Oracle 8i.

Marcelo F. Ochoa - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you Know DB Prism? Look @ http://www.plenix.com/dbprism/
More info?
Chapter 21 of the book "Professional XML Databases" (Wrox Press 
Chapter 8 of the book "Oracle & Open Source" (O'Reilly 
Lab. de Sistemas - Fac. de Cs. Exactas - UNICEN
Paraje Arroyo Seco - Campus Universitario
(7000) Tandil - Bs. AS. - Argentina
Te: +54-2293-444430 Fax: +54-2293-444431

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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