On Thursday, February 7, 2002, at 04:06 , Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

> Make a change:
>>       <map:generate type="serverpages"
> src="docs/samples/xsp/{../1}.xsp"/>
> Note that {1} replaced with {../1}.
> It's like a path. Actions/matchers are like nodes.

Yeehaa! Thanks a lot! Now that I look back in the docs, it 
_does_ say to use {../1}. Sorry... I've been staring at that 
code all day long. :-(
   However, there's an error in that same page ("Creating and 
using actions") that took me a while to see: to get the value 
back from the action, the XSP in the example should contain:

<xsp-request:get-attribute name="hello"/>

instead of:

<xsp-request:get-parameter name="hello"/>

Now, I'm so excited that it works!
Thanks you soooo much!!!


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