On 13.Feb.2002 -- 03:43 PM, hugo burm wrote:
> How can I set the "column" attribute of the tags in the esql taglib
> dynamically? xsp:attribute generates an error.

>         <esql:results>
>            <esql:row-results>
>               <xsp:logic>
>                   for (ic=1; ic &lt;= cnt; ic++)  {
>               </xsp:logic>
>   <esql:get-column-name>
       <esql:param name="column"><xsp:expr>ic</xsp:expr></esql:param>
>   </esql:get-column-name>
>               <xsp:logic>
>                  }
>               </xsp:logic>
>            </esql:row-results>
>         </esql:results>

<xsp:attribute/> adds attributes to tags that create SAX events,
e.g. those used for markup. Adding attribtues to logicsheet tags
requires support from that logicsheet. Most supplied logicsheets use
<XXX:param/> for that.


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