On 17.Feb.2002 -- 06:21 AM, Stephen Clarke wrote:
> So I've been thinking, the thing to do is to figure out how to run xerces at
> the command line in order to test my code that way and check error messages.

This is what I do to run xalan (the XSLT processor) from command line (in a script):

java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN $1 -XSL $2 $@

putting this into a .bat, replace "export" with "set" and "$C2_HOME" with "%C2_HOME%"
and all ":" with ";", set C2_HOME correctly and it should work on Windows.

Well, you get the idea: You need to include the three jars in your classpath
and then you can start Xalan by pointing java to the above class. Use -IN for
your XML, -XSL for your XSL and -OUT if you want the result saved to a file.
There are some debug switches which are quite useful, too:

 -TT trace templates
 -TG trace result element generation
 -TS trace selection events
 -TTC trace template children



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