
I have a login page. The form points to a do-login pipeline

I want do-login to authenticate the user through an action, that's ok,
and then generate an XML with a menu, write a DOM on the session and go
to the main pipeline.

The main pipeline, in between a number of things, reads the dom from the
session and makes use of it.

The problem: 

<map:match pattern="do-login">
 <map:act type="login"/>
 <map:act type="session-validator">
  <map:generate type="zeus-menu-generator"/>
  <map:transform type="writeDOMsession">
   <map:parameter name="dom-name" value="menu"/>
   <map:parameter name="dom-root-element" value="menu"/>

<!--I Have to redirect here to the main pipeline!
If I user map:redirect-to, the writeDOMsession transformer is discarded.
What can I do for writing that DOM to the session and redirecting to the
main pipeline? -->

 <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

<map:match pattern="main">


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