Derek Hohls wrote:

>You said:
>To make things easier for those who want to write with our document
>I've written a CSS2 stylesheet for it. I tested it with the XMLmind XML
>editor (aka XXE, see : it's a cool 
>open-source CSS2 enabled XML editor written in Java, which provides 
>word-processor like document editing.
>Since the CSS renders like the web site, writing a doc in the document
>DTD is like writing a web page ! Check it out in 
>src/documentation/xdocs/css, and be indulgent since it's my first CSS2
>stylesheet :)
>Quick question 1 - where is the DTD you refer to?
>Quick question 2 - where is the "src/documentation/xdocs/css" located? 
>(full URL)
>(bearing in mind I do not work with the source code, but only the
>prcompiled Cocoon ;-)
You can find the DTD in cocoon.war, in 
"documentation/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd "

I added the CSS to CVS yesterday evening, so you'll have to get the 
latest CVS repository or get it directly at

Additional note about XXE : it has some plugins for non-XML formats, and 
one of the builtin plugins is for javadoc. This provides graphical 
edition of html javadoc comments. Way cool !


Sylvain Wallez
  Anyware Technologies                  Apache Cocoon           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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