Robin Wyles wrote:

>Hi All...
>I am new to Cocoon 2 and am currently prototyping a login/authentication
>routine. I am using SessionIsValidAction to check if the user is logged in,
>and if this fails they are redirected to the login page, the
>DatabaseAuthenticatorAction is then used to check the user's submitted login
>details against values stored in a database. This all works great.
>Now I would like to be able to save the original request URI before the
>SessionIsValidAction is called so I can then re-direct the user to when the
>DatabaseAuthenticatorAction is successful. Here are the pipeline fragments
>that control this:
><!-- Check if user is logged in -->
>           <map:match pattern="app/*.xml*">
>               <map:act type="session-isvalid">
>                   <!-- user is logged in -->
>                   <map:generate type="file" src="app/{../1}.xml" />
>                   <map:transform src="app/default.xsl" />
>                   <map:serialize />
>               </map:act>
>               <!-- use is not logged in - redirect to login -->
>               <map:generate type="file" src="app/login.xml" />
>               <map:transform src="app/default.xsl" />
>               <map:serialize />
>           </map:match>
><!-- Do login -->
>           <map:match pattern="app/sign-in*">
>               <map:act set="checkUser">
>                   <map:parameter name="descriptor"
>value="app/users_descriptor.xml" />
>                   <!-- Re-direct to original requestURI here -->
>               </map:act>
>               <!-- User cannot be authenticated - back to login -->
>               <map:generate type="file" src="app/login.xml" />
>               <map:transform src="app/default.xsl" />
>               <map:serialize />
>           </map:match>
>Can I do this using the default set of actions that come with Cocoon 2? I
>know that I can set a session attribute using the sessionPropagatorAction,
>but how do I read it again? I also know I can read a request parameter using
>the RequestParamAction but how do I set a request parameter?
>I would like to do this within the sitemap rather than resorting to XSP if
>Thanks in advance,
>Robin Wyles 
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