On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 04:21:23PM +0100, TREGAN Fabien wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm making my first Cocoon application.
> Like many others, all it does is open an XML file and create a table from it
> using an XSL file.
> I'd like to have the definition of each icon's file to be outside of the XSL
> (to be able to change it update it quikly, use definitions from other .xsl,
> ...)
> Wich way is the best :
> -Have the first XSL create <icon wich="...">, and a second XSL replace
> <icon> by <img src="..."> ?
> -Use xsl:variables and xsl:include/import ?
> -Agregate an XML list of icone-name<->file-name association ? *
> -Use the i18n transformer ?
> -Other Cocoon specific feature I missed ?

How about storing the icons in a separate "data" XML file, which you
then load in the stylesheet using the XPath document() function.

If you're going to be playing with XSL much, I'd highly recommend
Michael Kay's XSLT Programmers Reference.


> Wich are the point that can make the response different in a cocoon
> environnement from wich it would have been in a standard (servlet/JSP) env ?


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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