>My conclusion (at the moment) is that sitemap is relaoded at 
>the second request you make. Not the first.
>If anyone confirms...

mmm, are you sure it is a cache-problem rather than an async-recompile
methode ?

The doc say (avout map:mount parameter) :

The "check-reload" attribute specifies whether the sitemap should be
reloaded (regenerated) if it's source XML (sitemap.xmap) is modified. If
"check-reload" is set to "no", the sitemap is only generated on the first
request for this sitemap. If "check-reload" is set to "yes" (the default),
the "reload-method" attribute determines how the sitemap is regenerated if
it had changed. 

>PS: i am talking about the CVS version.

So do I (mine is 1 week old)


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