On Sunday 17 Mar 2002 1:52 pm, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> > In my experience, by far the commonest error is page not found, and by
> > far the commonest cause of that is that the user has mistyped the url (or
> clicked
> > on an incorrect link). So all they need is a simple message saying 'page
> not
> > found, please check what you entered' - a simple read of an html file is
> > surely the simplest way of doing this.
> Sure, you can do it.
> Make a stylesheet that outputs only that page in the handle-errors pipeline
> and you're done.

yes, this did occur to me - in effect, have a transformer that ignores the 
output of the generator. However, this loses some transparency in the 
sitemap, as it's not so obvious what's going on. For me, the big advantage of 
Cocoon is not the 'separation of concerns', which I've been doing for years 
with Perl/PHP templating systems, but the sitemap, which provides a clean, 
simple, standardised way of defining processes on the site. If your sitemap 
matches 404 errors with a read of a page_not_found.html, then it's clear 
what's happening; if you have to look into an xslt script to see what it 
does, then it's not so clear. This is the weakness of the Perl/PHP method: 
you have to look into the script/'logicsheet' (read: you have to have a 
programmer around), so it's harder to figure out what's going on.

> I agree, and I'm working on a FAQBuilder, that gives more helpful messages
> based on info from a FAQ.

hmm, sounds interesting

> The Cocoon webapp is a *sample*, not a template.

ah, but I bet most people use it as a template.

Going off at a tangent, in your previous posting, you mentioned correcting 
the sitemap DTD. It would be good if this could be checked against the actual 
logic and then implemented properly. At the moment, it seems in some places 
to be incorrect, so can't be used for validating.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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