Here is my problem:
i have several similar directories structures containing XML datas, for 
each customers I have (customer1/, customer2/, customer3/)
I need to apply the same pipeline on one directory tree, depending on a 
request parameter:
when I have "URL?customer=IBM", i need my pipeline to get infos from 
somewhere inside the customer1/ directory
when I have "URL?customer=Microsoft", i need my pipeline to get infos 
from somewhere inside the customer2/ directory.

I wonder how I can get that.

I tought about an action that sets a variable {customerRoot} depending 
on the request parameter "customer".
And my pipeline builds all its URLs using this variable.

Or a pipeline that matches any pattern, tests the requestparameter with 
a selector and makes a "map:read" to
an internal pipeline, and with a "src" containing the good customerRoot 

Or a session-parameter set by I do now know who :-)

I presume that pointing to a different directory structure depending on 
a parameter is classic.
I just would like to know which option you would use.

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