Dear Cocoon User Group:

        OK.  Cocoon and the EJB world cannot be compared
        by-side since they are different beasts, but I put
        EJB in the subject because it represents the "J2EE
        Flag Ship;" at least, that is my perception.

        A better subject line could have been "Cocoon vs.
        JSP + ServerBeans + EJB" or similar.

        Never-the-less, I've been studying the hell out of
        EJB technology for the past two months, and EJB is
        suppose to be good stuff?

        Cases in point:
                o       One is suppose to write four, may six files
                        for each EJB: XxxBean, XxxHome, XxxRemote,
                        ejb-jar.xml, and now maybe XxxLocalHome and
                        XxxLocalRemote (isn't that last one an 

                o       Adding another process space between the 
                        servlet container and the database is a 
                        good thing?  I don't care how much object
                        pooling goes on.  The fastest software is
                        software that doesn't exist.

                o       Entity EJB beans can provide caching, but 
                        haven't databases been providing caching for
                        the last two decades already?

                o       Ya, CMP EJB are nice, but plain old JDBC does
                        most of this anyway WITHOUT any subclassing.

                o       Transactions?  Doesn't look that difficult with
                        JTA, but I haven't done a project yet with JTA.

                o       Distributed EJB's for improved reliability?  Wow,
                        there is sure a lot to potentially go wrong

        In summary:

                1)      For the complexity, has anyone found that the EJB
                        technology really brings good stuff to the table?
                        If so, are such projects mainstream, or somewhat
                        corner case like the super high rel banking domain?

                2)      It seems like for nearly all projects, Cocoon
                        a much functionality and productivity richer 
                        starting base than what Sun is advocating.  
                        But I'm probably preaching to the quire here.

          Inquiring Minds Want To Know: 
              Steven P. Punte
Steven P. Punte
Candlelight Software
By Candlelight If Necessary!

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