On 05.Apr.2002 -- 10:59 PM, Sharat Koya wrote:
> Hi help on this problem would be much appreciated since I have been stuck
> with it for a few days of coding.
> I have a logicsheet that runs mysql statments and returns values from the
> database.
> In my logic (in the file using the logic sheet) I have the statment that
> trys to assign a value from the database. I have tested my logicsheet on its
> own and it works fine, however Cocoon returns the error below when I try to
> assign the value to a java variable. can anyone help?
> thanks
> Sharat Koya
> Calling code
> mercurySun = <eclipse-data:get-planet-data data="sundist" name="Mercury"/>;
> --------------
> Error:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception:
> org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling
> register_xsp:
> Line 1652, column 4:  illegal start of expression
> Line 0, column 0:
> 1 error
> --------------
> This is the segment of code where the error occurs:
> line 1652:
>   mercurySun =
>     if (_esql_connection != null)
>  {_esql_connections.push(_esql_connection);
>  }
>     _esql_connection = new EsqlConnectionCocoon2();
>    try {
>     try {
>             _esql_connection.datasource = (DataSourceComponent)
> _esql_selector.select(String.valueOf( "" + (database) ));
>             _esql_connection.connection =
> _esql_connection.datasource.getConnection();
>           } catch (Exception _esql_exception_N10170) {
>             getLogger().error("Could not get the
> datasource",_esql_exception_N10170);
>             throw new RuntimeException("Could not get the datasource
> "+_esql_exception_N10170);
>           }

your logicsheet seems to expand <eclipse-data:get-planet-data/> to more that 
a simple <esql:get-XXX/>. You should create a tag that does all the connection
setup and nest the <eclips-data:get-planet-data/> inside.


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