I've been load testing my cocoon app with jmeter and I think I've found a
SQLTransformer bug.
My (MS SQL Server) JDBC driver was complaining about attempts to use various
objects after they had been closed (Connections, ResultSets and Statements).

In Query.execute() I think this bit should be removed:
            } finally {
                conn = null;        // To make sure we don't use this
connection again.

as it's incorrect to close the connection before you've finished with the
ResultSets, Statements etc.
The connection is closed later when SQLTransformer.executeQuery() calls
Query.close() anyway.

I know Connection.close() doesn't really close the connection to the DB
(because its a pooled connection it just allows it to be recycled), but I
think its reuse under load does cause problems. By removing these lines I
was able to get my app to work correctly under heavy loads on a dual CPU
Windows 2000 box.

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