Hi all  (sorry for my poor english):

My name's Aitziber, and I'm neby with cocoon.
I'm trying to work with SQL transformers, for generate an HTML page with
data stored in a ACCESS database on my machine (it's my first work with
cocoon, so I don't want to do this with ORACLE any other DB).

I'm trying to do this at the next steps:

        1.- Configure the JDBC-ODBC driver at the web.xml file, by adding


            as shown bellow:

                                        <!-- For IBM WebSphere
                                        com.ibm.servlet.classloader.Handler -->

                                        <!-- For Database Driver -->

                                        <!-- For JDBC:ODBC -->

        2.- Configure the connection ad the cocoon.xml file as shown bellow:

                        <jdbc name="personas">

        Note that nombres is the name of the ODBC I've just created pointing to my
        access database.

        3.- Configure the sitemap.xmap file to use my new connection. I've done
        this modifying a line:

                <map:match pattern="sql/*">
                        <map:generate src="docs/samples/sql/{1}.xml"/>
                        <map:transform type="sql">
                                <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="personas"/>
                        <map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-sql2html.xsl"/>

        4.- I've also modified the sql-page.xml, putting the code

                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                        <page xmlns:sql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";>

                                                select id,nombre from nombres

(where nombres is the table name)

in order of the query example provided in that file.

BUT.... I don't get the data stored in my access database, and I don't know

please, can anyone help me?

Thanks... Aitziber.

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