On Wednesday 10 Apr 2002 12:58, Brent Eades wrote:
> I do agree with comments in an earlier thread about the need for more
> detailed docs for Cocoon. My colleagues and I are of similar skill
> levels: we're managers with IT and communications backgrounds, all of
> whom do a little coding as required, but we're primarily project
> leaders. We're not hard-core developers. And I know we do find
> aspects of Cocoon (and server-side Java in general) a little baffling
> still. A lot of unfamiliar concepts and procedures to master. 

I have the same problem, tho from a different standpoint. I do a lot of 
consultancy for small businesses and non-profits, most of whom have tiny IT 
budgets - many have no IT staff at all. In principle, Cocoon is of interest, 
but the key question is: is it worth the effort and the extra overhead of 
using Java? What I'm looking for (and don't find in the documentation) is 
answers to basic management questions like 'what advantages does Cocoon 
provide, i.e. what business objectives does it help meet and how?' 'how easy 
is it to implement?' 'what resources (time, skills level of staff) does it 
require to (a) get up and running (b) maintain?' plus standard operational 
questions like performance and security. I've been trying to evaluate Cocoon 
for several months now (off and on), but still don't really have the answers. 
For an organisation that is already supporting a servlet environment with XML 
etc, implementing Cocoon would probably be quite straightforward, but for 
those I'm dealing with who just want a good way to maintain a website? Ok, it 
may well use 'pipelined SAX processing' and an 'abstracted environment' - so 

I too would be happy to help out with documentation, but don't really see 
how, given that I don't really know that much about Cocoon. I'll write the 
questions; someone else can write the answers :-)

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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