On 12.Apr.2002 -- 10:12 AM, Jerzy Kut wrote:
> If I understand Your explanation it is correct construct that should provide
> handling db errors. So how to handle this?

You're right. Sometimes I forget all the differences between the
original database actions and those in scratchpad....

With the ones in scratchpad you could specify if they should throw an
exception or continue. The original actions don't offer this. Would be
easy to do it, though. Might have a go at it next week.

> During working of website it is possible to occur damages with DBServer. How
> to handle this errors? Often it will be connection errors. Or errors
> resulting from transaction fails or constraints violations.

I think connection errors would need to be resolved at sitemap level
with a new error handler but I may be completely wrong. The rest
should be possible with the above.

> Maybe good way to resolve it will be write own Database*Actions provides to
> handle this errors? What do You think? (But of course I welcome simplest
> method resolving this trouble..)

I would strongly suggest to use the database actions from
scratchpad. Or modify the original ones and send a patch :-)


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