Hi Konstantin,

thank you for your reply. Sorry, for being a nag in this point.

Do you mean this:

<map:match pattern="test">
  <map:act type="locale">
    <map:parameter name="locale-attribute" value="x"/>
    <map:generate src="prototyp/first.xml"/>
    <map:transform type="i18n"/>
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>

with .../Cocoon/test?x=en

This doen't work. Maybe I misunderstood you.

- Volker -

-----Original Message-----
From: Piroumian Konstantin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Freitag, 12. April 2002 13:36
Subject: RE: How to switch language for i18n at runtime?

> From: Volker Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Dear colleagues,
> I want to switch language to "en" at runtime. I read the
> source of the LocationAction and tried so set the
> language-attribute in some different ways, but this didn't work.
> Does anybody know, how I can switch the language being used
> for i18n at runtime?

Use a request param like this: page.xml?locale=en (change param name to your
'locale-attribute' value) and it should work. Is that what you need?


> Thank you,
> - Volker -
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