> From: Mark S. Kent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I just installed Tomcat 4.0.3 on my WinNT4 SP5 laptop (replacing

Why not you try Tomcat 4.0.4? (b2 at this moment)

> 4.0.1) and trying to use my existing Cocoon 2.0.2 build with it and
> seeing this error:
>   SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser does not
> XMLReader
> I've seen some previous messages about this and even tried Vadim's
> workaround of
>   "1. Move xalan/xerces/xml-apis/batik from cocoon/WEB-INF/lib to the
> tomcat/common/lib
>    2. Add extra-classpath parameter ..."
> but still cannot get Tomcat to correctly deploy Cocoon2.  Am I missing
> something?  I'm using JDK1.3.1 (although I don't think that matters at

Have you seen latest install instructions? They were working for me...

> point).
> I've noticed that Vadim's batik version was "batik-libs-1.1.1.jar"
while the
> only one I can find in anay of my downloads/packages is
> "batik-all-1.5b1.jar".  The filenames (and likely contents) are
> Will that version work the same as a "batik-libs-XXX.jar" version?



> Mark

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