On Monday 22 April 2002 01:36 pm, Simon Brooke wrote:
> I have a *lot* of classes which implement this interface.To plug them
> into Cocoon I need to generate SAX events and currently I don't.
> Obviously generating SAX events as the document is being built is going
> to be quicker than building a document tree and then tree-walking it to
> generate the SAX events, so if I decide that Cocoon is the right road
> to go down I've got a lot of rewriting to do. But as a quick fix, does
> someone have a class which implements
> org.apache.cocoon.generation.Generator, and which (in its generate()
> method) walks a DOM tree constructed by something else? It would save
> me a lot of grief.

Look at the
which uses
to easily convert a org.w3c.dom.Node to SAX2 events.

peter royal -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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