Hi, cocooners!

I was able to install Cocoon 2.1-dev on WebLogic 7.0. It required some minor
changes to Cocoon.java and CocoonServlet.java and renaming all the jar files
with dots to something without dots (e.g.: myjar-1.0.jar -> myjar.jar).

After starting the server I could successfully access the start page and
several samples (including most of the Hello World, the XMLForm sample). Due
to a bug in Weblogic's version of Xalan i18n samples failed to run (it was a
NPE somewhere in toSAX(), saying something about wrong DTMs). There were
also other problems with Calculator example and some others.

How to install:

    - get the latest source (2.1-dev)
    - hack Cocoon.java and CocoonServlet.java: comment out the parts where
Cocoon sets system properties (JAXP properties). They are marked with
'FIXME's from Vadim
    - build Cocoon
    - copy cocoon webapp directory (not the WAR!) to
    - rename all the JARs in WEB-INF/lib with dots to something without dots

And that's all. No need to change server configuration or so. I could even
run Cocoon after removing xerces and xalan libs from WEB-INF/libs. But note,
that WLs versions are a little out of date and buggy.


P.S. Vadim, the patch for WL 6.1 broke the server startup with an exception
like: MethodNotFound or so.

Konstantin Piroumian
Lead Developer
ICQ#: 2297575
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