I see.  For some reason, I thought this mechanism was deprecated along with
all processing directive types of things.

Since things are apparently working the way they are supposed to, then let
me change this from a bug report to a request: it would be nice to have
built-in logicsheets checked for changes, too.  If there are performance
reasons to avoid this, perhaps there could be an attribute in the
logicsheet declarations in the cocoon.xconf that would allow us to specify
logicsheets that should be checked.  Sure would make things easier,
especially when working with files under SCC.


> From: Christopher Painter-Wakefield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Cocoon doesn't recognize the dependencies of XSP files on the
> they use.  Changing a logicsheet does not force a recompile of the
> dependent XSP pages.  Instead we must manually touch each XSP page
> the logicsheet.
> I know this has been reported in the past, but it is a constant
> and I'm wondering if there is a time when we can expect a fix?

IIRC, this depends how you referencing your logicsheet. Changes in
built-in logicsheet are not monitored, but if logicsheet is referenced
directly from the XSP, changes are noticed.

Check out logicsheet.xsp sample - it works perfectly, and recognizes
dependencies in the hello.xsl logicsheet.


> Thanks,
> Christopher

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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