> I needed the opinion of the house whether Cocoon is a fit for mission
> critical operations where speed is of top priority in comparison with
> JSP-Servlet-HTML architecture, using a servlet container only as in
> J2ee,(with or without ejb's).

You are going to have to qualify your requirements a little better than

Is a formula one race car faster than a school bus? Yes.  Will a formula one
race car transport 40 school children from point A to point B faster than a
school bus? Probably not...  

Will JSP-Servlet-HTML render a single simple HTML page faster than Cocoon?
Yes.  Will JSP-Servlet-HTML render 40 complex variations on a common theme
faster than Cocoon? Probably not... 

My guiding principle is to always remember that people costs go up year over
year and hardware costs go down year over year.  As a result I never attempt
to solve something with complex programming that can be solved just as well
by simple programming and throwing more hardware at it.  From my
experimentation I believe that if you need to deliver lots of variations on
something (a single page, different languages, output customized to a
particular device, in some cases different database results) then Cocoon
will probably have lower overall costs that a JSP-Servlet-HTML architecture
in the long run.  

Finally, remember that you can use EJBs with Cocoon.  They should not be
part of your comparison.

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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