On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Hahn Kurt (CHA) wrote:

> Adding the root element to map:aggregate fixed the error, I can now display
> what once will be the aggregated page. But, I don't get the content of my
> parts, I just get this:
> <pvDoc>
>   <title xmlns="http://some.thing.com/title"; />
> </pvDoc>
> I changed the sitemap a little to make it clearer, it now looks like this:
> <map:match pattern="pvDoc/*.pdf">
>     <map:aggregate element="pvDoc">
>       <map:part src="cocoon:/pv/title/{1}.xml" element="title"
> ns="http://etat.geneve.com/title"/>
>       <map:part src="cocoon:/pv/{1}.xml" element="pvtexte"
> ns="http://etat.geneve.com/pvtexte"/>
>       </map:aggregate>
>       <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> </map:match>
> As I mentioned before, the parts called individually work fine. I'm
> suspecting that maybe the parameter isn't passed correctly. Can somebody
> confirm (or disconfirm ) if my syntaxe is correct?

Could you find any errors in WEB-INF/logs/error.log, or something else in

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