ROSSEL Olivier wrote:
> I think the only difference is that handle-errors 
> are on per pipeline.
> so for different error handling, you need separate pipelines.

Yes, and also "internal-only"

> BTW, internal-only=true/false is already a very good reason for having
> several pipelines.

Ok, you know it ;-)

This means that:





are _equivalent_.


BTW, this makes me remind of a trick.
If you have many matches, it's better to make them hierarchical for 
speed reasons.

IE, it I request "real/b", with the following stuff:

   <map:match pattern="samples/A">...</map:match>
   <map:match pattern="samples/B">...</map:match>
   <map:match pattern="samples/C">...</map:match>
   <map:match pattern="samples/D">...</map:match>
   <map:match pattern="real/a">   ...</map:match>
   <map:match pattern="real/b">   ...</map:match>

  Cocoon has to match 6 times before finding the one needed:

  (1X) <map:match pattern="samples/A">...</map:match>
  (2X) <map:match pattern="samples/B">...</map:match>
  (3X) <map:match pattern="samples/C">...</map:match>
  (4X) <map:match pattern="samples/D">...</map:match>
  (5X) <map:match pattern="real/a">   ...</map:match>
  (6!) <map:match pattern="real/b">   ...</map:match>

In this equivalent case:
   <map:match pattern="samples/*">
     <map:match pattern="samples/A">...</map:match>
     <map:match pattern="samples/B">...</map:match>
     <map:match pattern="samples/C">...</map:match>
     <map:match pattern="samples/D">...</map:match>
   <map:match pattern="real/*">
     <map:match pattern="real/a">   ...</map:match>
     <map:match pattern="real/b">   ...</map:match>

Just 4.

(1X)  <map:match pattern="samples/*">
         <map:match pattern="samples/A">...</map:match>
         <map:match pattern="samples/B">...</map:match>
         <map:match pattern="samples/C">...</map:match>
         <map:match pattern="samples/D">...</map:match>
(2X)    <map:match pattern="real/*">
(3X)    <map:match pattern="real/a">   ...</map:match>
(4!)    <map:match pattern="real/b">   ...</map:match>

If you think that many sitemaps have more than 6 matches...

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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