I'm trying to access a Basis Plus database using their JDBC driver.

It looks like the connection opens correctly, but then I get "500 internal 
error" from Cocoon, and the following messages in the tomcat logs:

. . .

It works fine from an XSP page running in the same instance of Cocoon (going 
directly to JDBC using Class.forName, DriverManager.getConnection and 
Connection.PrepareStatement), meaning the driver supports PreparedStatements.

Suspecting a classloader problem, I tried putting the JDBC driver jar in 
WEB-INF/lib, then in the main lib directory and then even in the JRE lib/ext 
directory, with same results.

Here's what I have in web.xml (works according to the logs):
        <!-- for Basis Plus -->

And in cocoon.xconf:

    <!-- bd BasisPlus -->
    <jdbc logger="core.datasources.basisplus.eiger" name="eiger">
      <pool-controller max="1" min="1"/>

Also seems to work, if I put a wrong password I get the proper error message 
("Could not return connection").

Any clues?

 Bertrand Delacrétaz (codeconsult.ch, jfor.org)

 buzzwords: XML, java, XSLT, cocoon, mentoring/teaching/coding.
 disclaimer: eternity is very long. mostly towards the end. get ready.

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