> So what happens when you have branching rules.
> Depending on what was selected in a, go to be or jump straight to c?

I don't know exactly what you mean. First of all you don't have to use the
command next. You can use jump(2)

a b c
0 1 2

to jump right away to c.

(I still have to test this but) I imaging you can do the following:

<map:match pattern="flowshow.html">
<map:act type="flowControler">
  <map:parameter name = "flow" value = "fillInA,fillinB,fillinC"/>
        <map:redirect-to uri="{nextpage}"/>
<map:redirect-to uri="flowerror.html"/>

<map:match pattern="fillinB">
<map:act type="flowControler">
  <map:parameter name = "flow" value = "fillInA,fillinB1,fillinB2,fillinC"/>
  <map:parameter name = "start" value = "1"/>
        <map:generate src="{nextpage}.xsp"/>
<map:redirect-to uri="flowerror.html"/>

of course when you don't skip fillinB in flowshow.html, then you go to the
fillinB pipeline.
         |                                |
  --->fillInA --choose1--> fillInB     fillInC  --->
                            |             /\
                            \/            |
                           fillInB1 -->fillInB2 

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