On Thursday 27 June 2002 05:26 pm, you wrote:
> I understand the complaints and agree with many of them, but I think
> that they are somewhat abstract or ambiguous.
> may you detail them so that they can be solved?

Ok. Where is the documentation for Pipeline Components ?

Where is an in-depth description of each type of G enerator ?

> it would be very helpful for all of us.
> Thanks to all the contributors to the cocoon project, it is a great
> product, but
> remember that one of the principles of programming is being humble to
> accept that things can be improved.
> Regards
> for example
> Documentation is scarce         [ what part is scarce? all of it?

There is no depth to the documentation. One doesn't have to go very far 
to run out of documentation.

> XSP? ] Documentation is outdated       [the same]
> few examples                          [which functionality needs more
> examples urgently?]

The Tutorial. How do I write a simple data-base backed application ?

> stabilization                             [any comments? ]
> etc

As I said earlier, it feels like there is a stampede to generate 
features and no discipline to complete the existing project. I suspect 
that this is due to personality traits and intellectual capabilities of 
some of the developers. In my career, I have encountered many 
superlative individuals. A small number of these have immense 
capacities for rote memorization. This is a distinct ability of some 
individuals and is as great a gift as abstact reasoning and other 
intellectual skills. Unfortunately, gifted individuals often fail to 
realize that half of us are below average in everything ;-). Hell, 
we're all below average in something.

Anyway, I have seen a lot of code written by genius-level people who 
fail to understand that many of us do not memorize well. 

The documentation is as important as (more important than) the code 
because nothing gets widely accepted unless it is understandable. Look 
at Perl as an example. Larry had some weird ideas and implemented them. 
These didn't hold the language back BECAUSE the documentation was 
excellent. Now Cocoon has lots of new ideas but it lacks explanation 
through documentation. The FAQ ... lets not go there ... I can never 
even FIND an FAQ  ...

The slope of the learning curve is steep and there is nothing to hold 
on to. When you do find a hand-hold, it breaks off!

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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