> From: Leona Slepetis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi All,
> I have part of  a pipeline that looks like this:
>     <map:match pattern="matrix">
>       <map:generate src="gs.xml"/>
>       <map:transform src="gs.xsl">
>         <map:parameter name="pagename" value="matrix"/>
>         <map:parameter name="dealID" value="{1}"/>
>         <map:parameter name="playerID" value="123"/>
>         <map:parameter name="matrixfile" value="{3}"/>
>         <map:parameter name="projectname" value="{4}"/>
>       </map:transform>
>       <map:transform src="default-html.xsl"/>
>       <map:serialize type="html"/>
>     </map:match>
> In gs.xml I have:
> <application>
>   <page name="matrix"/>
> <!-- some other stuff that doesn't matter in this example -->
> </application>
> In gs.xsl I have:
>   <xsl:template match="application">
>     <xsl:if test="not($pagename)">
>       <xsl:apply-templates select="page[@name='default']"/>
>     </xsl:if>
>     <xsl:if test="$pagename">
>       <xsl:apply-templates select="page[@name=$pagename]"/>
>     </xsl:if>
>   </xsl:template>
> And default-html.xsl has:
>   <xsl:template match="page">
>     <html>
>       <head>
>         <title>title</title>
>       </head>
>       <body>
>         <xsl:apply-templates/>
>       </body>
>     </html>
>   </xsl:template>
> I get to it by calling
> matrix.xml&projectname=new
> When I run it, the following error occurs:
> Could not read resource file:/D:/tomcat/webapps/GS/gs.xml
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Could not read resource
> file:/D:/tomcat/webapps/GorillaStation/gs.xml:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Null pointer passed as base

What's the stacktrace? 


> One thing I notice is that playerID is not set to the value '123'. Why
> this?
> The other thing is that if I take out    <map:parameter
> value="matrix"/>  from the pipeline it works
> according to the default logic in <xsl:application>.
> There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with gs.xml; it was working
> C1.
> Other pipeline segments using the parameter "pagename" work just fine,
> as:
>     <map:match pattern="summary">
>       <map:generate src="gs.xml"/>
>       <map:transform src="gs.xsl">
>         <map:parameter name="pagename" value="summary"/>
>       </map:transform>
>       <map:transform src="default-html.xsl"/>
>       <map:serialize type="html"/>
>     </map:match>
> Can anyone give me a clue as to what is wrong?
> Thanks very much,
> Leona
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