
I am running Cocoon 2.0.2 on Tomcat 4.0.1 on W2000.

I have build an authorization system based on the Sunshine/Sunrise
The authorization works OK.
After successfull authorization, the user is redirected to a status page.
This status page can access all the SessionContexts supplied by the Sunrise
Except for one (and that is the one I need).
The one I need is the SunRise context, that contains the user details of the
authorized user.
When I try to access this context, I get an error: "Context does not exist".
When I try to create it myself, I get an error: "Context name is reserved".

How can I access this Sunrise context? Details below.


<!-- snippets of the status.xml page -->

<!-- this works OK -->
You are:<sunshine:getxml context="request" path="/remoteAddress"/>

<!-- This creates an error: SessionContext sunRise not found" -->
<sunshine:getxml context="sunRise " path="/authentication/ID"/>

<!-- This creates an error: "SessionContext with name sunRise is
reserved" -->
<sunshine:createcontext name="sunRise"/>


<!-- snippets from sitemap -->

<!-- 1
This is the protected resource.
Authorization is handled by ima-handler
<map:match pattern="IMA/survey">
        <map:act type="sunRise-auth">
        <map:parameter name="handler" value="ima-handler"/>
        <map:generate type="file" src="IMA/survey.xml"/>
    <map:transform type="xslt" src="IMA/frame.xsl"/>

<!-- 4
This is the login resource. Action from loginpage.
If login OK, redirect to status.xml
If login Err, redirect to IMA/login-failed
<map:match pattern="IMA/login">
         <map:act type="sunRise-login">
           <map:parameter name="handler" value="ima-handler"/>
           <map:parameter name="parameter_name" value="request:name"/>
           <map:parameter name="parameter_password"
           <!-- If the authentication is successfull then this redirect will
be performed -->
           <map:redirect-to uri="status"/>
         <!-- authentication failed: -->
         <map:generate src="IMA/login-failed.xml"/>
         <map:transform src="IMA/loginpage.xsl"/>

<!-- 6
This is the page to which a successfull authorization is redirected
<map:match pattern="IMA/status">
              <map:generate src="IMA/status.xml" />
                  <map:transform type="sunShine"/>
              <map:transform src="IMA/loginpage.xsl" />
              <map:transform type="encodeURL" />
              <map:serialize />


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