Title: RE: cant find avalon conponents

Make sure that all the jar files that came with Cocoon are in the lib directory ($TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/lib).

-----Original Message-----
From: icewind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 July 2002 10:49
Subject: cant find avalon conponents


I installed the cocoon war file in the webapps dir of
tomcat (tomcat works) and when I tried to access
cocoon, I got a really big error message starting with
the following:

description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:
Language Exception:
Error compiling sitemap_xmap: Line 22, column 49:
cannot access class Component; file
not found Line 23, column 53: cannot access class
Configurable; file

this goes on and on with all the components in avalon
not being found...

When I took a look in tomcat's work directory, i did
find the avalon jars in localhost/cocoon/WEB-INF.

Im not sure how to fix this problem.. anyone know how
to get cocoon (or tomcat) to see the avalon jars it
cant seem to see now?


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