Stephan Michels wrote:

> The samples in the CVS were restructured. Try /cocoon/samples/.

thank you very much for this fast hint. in fact, it did not work, but 
brought me to the idea, that the sitemap is structured in an other way, 
than in the "normal" distribution.

browsing the sitemap file, I found, that there are obviously NO samples, 
only the standard documentation. so trying to connect to




There was such a long thread about the cocoon documentation a few days 
ago. I think the MOST important thing, I repeat the MOST important thing 
is, that the installation is documented properly. because if a new user 
is not even able to install cocoon, he or she will quit immediately!!


-- the xerces lib is not named as described in the docs
-- the compilation of the source distribution does not work under linux 
J2SE 1.4
-- the CVS *download* works but
-- the CVS installtion does not work as described. when I have installed 
all the stuff, I need a test page. and the usual :8080/cocoon does not 
work any longer. o.k. but DESCRIBE THIS.

thank you--fortunately this mailing list is extremely useful and fast, 
thank you for hints again to all!!


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